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·天然溶洞 湖北武汉江夏白云洞  ·冬季到东北去看雪  ·每周影人:湖北摄影家孙越  ·绍兴鲁迅故居  ·每周影人:福建摄影家冯德金  ·优秀影人:新疆摄影家——秦新平  ·北京现代建筑——中国国家大剧院  ·康定新都桥  ·楼市滞销坚冰似破 京沪开发商变相降价  ·优秀影人:广东摄影家——钟秋燕  ·每周影人:广东摄影家廖宏东  ·经典明清风格仿古建筑群——河北正定荣国府  ·欣赏老照片 了解老北京城的历史文化  ·每周影人:河北摄影家刘永占  ·天津海河开通夜游观光线路 乘豪华游船赏天津风景  
CCN传媒图片网 www.ccnpic.com  责任编辑:孟波  

Neither initially all together expressive nor simply an assertion of photo-art.


Study of background color and tends to be manic or some anesthetized – other surfaces are unabashedly aesthetic. They all offer color elements that seem too intense to contain thus seem to spread infinitely, yet are self – contained behind glass while growing in sensory quality. Gallery 173 – CameraQQ Art Dept. 2010 (CCN传媒图片网 孟波)

(文章来源:CCN传媒图片网 乐骄傲)

电 话:52837246
